It is by no mistake that my knee is injured right now. For those of you who have been following us and this adoption marathon. You know that I have always felt a need for running. I use to be a runner in high school, then I went into a time where I was obsessed with doing aerobic classes, then after Jamie lost all his weight, I started lifting weights with him. I then started doing it all.
Running 3 days a week,weights too, then on Saturday's I did yoga with a friend. When we started fostering I started doing P90X, alot of you got to see me post on FB daily on my P90X workout, which was killer, but I loved the results, felt like I could go 24/7.
So in Feb. I fell and hurt my right knee. I have not done cardio since then, it has sucked!!
For those of you who do workout, it's very tough to go from working out all the time to none at all.
It messes with your brain too.
So today on the way to church I was listening to the radio, when I heard exactly what I needed to hear.
That this is part of my race, I was working so hard at working out, and I know what it feels like to be sore from a tough workout, believe me, if you don't get one training session with my husband, he is not easy on even his wife.
We have kinda been on stand still with adoption, while we wait to see what happens with Peanut's future, we still have our name in at the Lighthouse, but have not had one call since the disappointing news of our birthmom changing her mind.
Either way, this is my time to reflect and refresh, this is my time to be still and know that he is God, to look back and see where God was and is still working. He told me today that my race is not finished yet and he will be asking me to get back up and run another lap or two, but until then....just chill.
So while it's hard for me to not workout like I'm use too. I will use every opportunity to look for what Christ has in store for me, I will wait for doors to open and doors to close. I can't wait to get back out there and run and to feel the ground under my shoes. I will wait for God's timing,which will be perfect....wait on him friends it will be worth it!!
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