Wednesday, May 19, 2010

COUNT TO 10 1,2 ........OMG does anyone get what they are doing to these kids?, that are wasting away in foster care, these kids that are in homeless shelters. It's not that there is not a family out there waiting, or in that matter...fighting to get them in their home.
It is a stupid circus, seriously who makes these rules up???

ahhh that feels better.
Just remember what I always say "I REFUSE to be ordinary"
After all the love and passion we put into these kids, we have the under hand of most of it.
I was told today, that if a foster baby was in our care for 9 months and her mom's rights were terminated that we would get her. I was told that doing all this respite care for her, does not help us out at all if her mom's rights are terminated!! Actually, get this.... it may hurt us. Because if we get picked for the staffing and someone knows that we already have had all this contact, someone might think that we got picked because we already knew her, WELL, YEAH??? DUH
Well that would not be fair to the other families that were chosen for the staffing...umm let me think for a moment, I DON'T CARE if it is fair.
Let's talk about fair, this sweet little baby who's mother drank during her pregnancy, been kicked out of alcohol rehab many times, who has been living in foster care for her whole life, and still has no idea what her future holds, let see.... fair??? I think not.
Ok so Im fired up cause I have been talking to dfs workers all day, lawyers and not really for us, but to help a friend out, but seeing that is not my story I will not post about that due to confidentiality, even though I know she is just as frustrated as I am.
If you know the law well and know something about the division and know how I can speak on the behalf of these children, you let me know.
I was driving down 435 and saw a sign "a child is abused by a loved one every 40 seconds"
at the bottom it read," what will you do about it?"
Show me the genius that put that sign up there and they would get a ear full.
Anyways, Im venting obviously and needed to get that out.
So as you can tell I need some prayer for my anger today, I need to just be in prayer for these children along with dfs to make the right choices.
But I will also look for doors to open to help them too:)
Love you,

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